My Grandfather stories as narrated to me through my parents, regarding his fellow colleague -Train Guard:
Lahore Railway Station |
My Grand Pa, was Lahore, Railway Station Master, where during his working days this all happened.
One fine morning as usual, all guards after they report for duty, flag off there train, to next destination, it may be train starting from that station or en - route to other via Lahore. One guard, (Mr. Sharma - not a real name, as I don't have it), came to my grandpa, and told in a humble voice, please:
- That he absented himself for past two weeks, and God only knows how time has passed away and how my trains must have left. I am surprised, that no summon either have been sent to my home.
- Do not remove him from his job.
- That he was serving devotees, who came to my home for a shelter and food etc.
My Grandpa was surprised, with his morning tale, remarks etc and then told the following:
- You had been daily logging my register with your attendance, so how I am to believe?
- That every day trains, left on time, so again there was nothing which warranted him to call his home etc.
- When Train Guard, said he was not the guy, at that time my Grandpa showed him logging register, which showed his signatures and that he countersigned him off.
- This baffled Mr. Sharma, who kept on repeating that he did not report for duty.
And then, he realized, that it was act of God, these devotees, were in fact God's men, coming from Heaven and he and his wife got great privilege to serve them. He felt happy, lost, and told my Grandpa, I have received my Honors in God's Kingdom, so allow me to stop work from today. He will go and serve God from today.
He (Mr. Sharma) left Lahore Railway Station, never to be seen again, possibly left for Himalayas where devotee's get there freedom, and nearness to God.
My Grandfather kept that register, for a long time, and wished that if he knew, he would have kept 'The New Guard' in disguise, who acted on behalf of Mr Sharma was in fact God only. His eyes baffled, how that can be truth.
But it was Truth, as his family were very much devoted to preachings of God and remaining life they left to serve God.